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documentation centre

См. также в других словарях:

  • Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance — The Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) was established in 1963. Its main topics deal with research concerning resistance and persecution from 1934 until 1945, exile, Nazi crimes, right wing extremism after 1945, and victims… …   Wikipedia

  • Documentation Centre for Music — The Documentation Centre for Music (DOMUS), at the Stellenbosch University Music Library, has its origins in the work and interests of staff and students at the Department of Music at Stellenbosch University. These include, at various times,… …   Wikipedia

  • National Social Science Documentation Centre — The National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC), a constituent unit of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), was established in 1970. The primary objective of the NASSDOC is to provide library and information support… …   Wikipedia

  • Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre — Defence Scientific Information Documentation Centre Established 29 July 1970 Director Dr. A.L. Moorthy Address Metcalfe House, Delhi 110054 [1] Location …   Wikipedia

  • Human Rights Documentation Centre — The Human Rights Documentation Centre based in Delhi, India is a non governmental organization supporting human rights. It has a sister organisation, the South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre with which it publishes a journal Human Rights… …   Wikipedia

  • Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre — The Ukrainian Canadian Research Documentation Centre (UCRDC) ( ua. Українсько Канадський Дослідчо Документаційний Центр, fr. Centre Ukrainien Canadien des Recherches et Documentation) is a community center which collects, catalogs, and preserves… …   Wikipedia

  • DOCUMENTATION — Le progrès de la science étant une œuvre collective, les informations doivent circuler entre les chercheurs d’une manière aussi rapide et complète que possible. Qu’il s’agisse des méthodes expérimentales employées, des observations effectuées,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • centre — [ sɑ̃tr ] n. m. • 1275; lat. centrum, gr. kentron I ♦ 1 ♦ Point intérieur (d un cercle, d une sphère) équidistant de tous les points du cercle, de la sphère. Le centre d un disque. Le centre de la Terre. ♢ Centre de symétrie : point tel que tous… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • centre-ville — centre [ sɑ̃tr ] n. m. • 1275; lat. centrum, gr. kentron I ♦ 1 ♦ Point intérieur (d un cercle, d une sphère) équidistant de tous les points du cercle, de la sphère. Le centre d un disque. Le centre de la Terre. ♢ Centre de symétrie : point tel… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Centre Against Expulsions — The Centre Against Expulsions ( de. Zentrum gegen Vertreibungen, ZgV) is a planned German documentation centre for expulsions and ethnic cleansing, particularly the Expulsion of Germans after World War II from eastern Germany and other parts of… …   Wikipedia

  • Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds — Entrance to the Documentation Centre …   Wikipedia

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